by the Gerson Institute's Ambassador in Japan

Welcome to our website, GERSON-JP.
This is operated by the Gerson Institute's Ambassador, Kyoko Ujiie Abe.
We work as an educational & informative team member of the Gerson community in the world.

We don't have certified Gerson practitioners and medical facilities in Japan.
So we always collaborate with certified Gerson Practitioners and medical facilities in the other country.
If you need any medical professionals for your treatment, please see below and contact to them directly.

We hope you find useful information for your healthy life!


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Experience of the Gerson Foods in Japan

Gerson Therapy Workshop in Japan

Online learning by the Gerson Institute

Gerson Institute, San Diego, CA, USA

Certified Gerson Clinics

Certified Gerson Practitioners

Testimonies by Gerson patients

Documentary "THE FOOD CURE"

Introduction of the Gerson Practitioners


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Gerson Institute Ambassador,


Freelance health food & medical journalist, English-Japanese translator,
The Gerson Institute Ambassador to Japan, Certified Gerson HST,
Patients' companion for Gerson clinics
B.A.of English literature

After graduating from the Department of English Literature at Fuji Women’s University (Sapporo, Hokkaido), Kyoko Abe worked as a writer in the editorial department of a monthly health magazine for six years, covering stories about patients who recovered from various ailments using alternative therapies and interviewing natural health doctors. She then worked for the Japanese branch of American Biologics, an integrative medical service company, translating manuals into Japanese. Kyoko then became an active member of the Japan Food Journalist Association and the Medical Journalist Association of Japan, working as an independent journalist in the field of health, nutrition and holistic therapies.
Kyoko’s gravitation towards natural health began almost 20 years ago, at the 1998 Cancer Control Society convention in Los Angeles, California, where she met Charlotte Gerson and visited the licensed Gerson clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.

Ignited with passion from her meeting with Charlotte Gerson and backed with her experience as a writer on alternative health, Kyoko translated several books into Japanese, including: The Gerson Therapy by Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker; Healing the Gerson Way by Charlotte Gerson and Beata
Bishop; The Breast Cancer Prevention Program by Samuel S. Epstein M.D. and etc.; The Brain Chemistry Diet by Michasel Lesser M.D.; The Metabolic Typing Diet by William L. Wolcott and etc.; and Silent Clots by Dr. James Privitera and etc.

After the passing of Kyoko’s close friend and famous journalist Mr. Koichi Imamura* in 2003, Kyoko was compelled to continue the work of her dear friend by pursuing certification as a Gerson Home Set-Up Trainer. Over the past 14 years, Kyoko attended at least 10 Gerson Therapy training events, traveling from Japan to San Diego, eventually bringing the Gerson Therapy to Japan as a Gerson Ambassador through workshops, lectures and cooking classes.

*Translated A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases by Dr. Max Gerson into Japanese.

Written by: Nicole Ferrer, The Gerson Institute


If you have any question, please send us email.

Thank you!

[email protected]