Experience of the Gerson Foods


for making & eating Gerson Foods

in Minamiboso, Chiba

《2 hours from Tokyo》


blood analysis before Gerson experience①

13:00-14:00 Gerson lunch
14:30-18:00 Gerson cooking class①

  • 14:30-15:30 Hippocrates soup
  • 15:45-16:45 Rye&Brown rice bread
  • 17:00-17:30 Millling vegetables for soup
  • 17:30-18:00 Carrot&apple juice

18:00- Gerson dinner
19:00- relaxing & talking
20:00 closing DAY1

Let's make & eat your real Gerson foods with Gerson Ambassador.
Gerson food is salt free & oil free other than organic flaxseed oil.

details of DAY1

  • orientation

Explanation of the overview of this 2 days experience.

  • blood analysis before Gerson experience①

Observation time for your live and dried layered blood under the microscope before eating Gerson foods.

  • Gerson lunch

Enjoy the real Gerson lunch that is made the same recipe at the Gerson Clinic.

  • cooking class①

You can make Hippocrates soup, rye&brown rice bread and carrot&apple juice in this class.

  • relaxing & talking

Gerson Ambassador will share many experiences at the Gerson clinic with you.


9:00-9:45 Gerson breakfast
10:00-13:00 Gerson cooking class②

  • 10:00-11:00 Dressing & sauce
  • 11:15-12:15 Salad & cooked vegetables
  • 12:30-13:00 Green juice

13:00-14:00 Gerson lunch
14:30- blood analysis after Gerson experience②

closing talk

We don't put the starting time of DAY1 & closing time of DAY2 in the schedule because it depends on the number of participants and the kind of transportation from your place.

In case you are 2 people, we will start around 11:00am on the DAY1.

And we will end the whole program around 16:30p.m. on the DAY2.

Blood analysis needs 45-50 mins per person.

Let's check your change after experience your real Gerson foods.
Gerson foods make a difference!

details of DAY2

  • Gerson breakfast

You will be served oatmeal, apple sauce, fresh fruits, dried fruits and herbal tea.

  • cooking class②

You can make salad, dressing, sauce, baked vegetables and green juice in this class.

  • Gerson lunch

Enjoy the real Gerson lunch that is made the same recipe at the Gerson Clinic.

  • blood analysis before Gerson experience②

Observation time for your live and dried layered blood under the microscope after eating Gerson foods.

  • closing

Feel and talk together about 2 days experience.

  • for your dinner

You can take your Gerson dinner box to continue your Gerson experience!

for application

In Minamiboso, Chiba, we are available on your demand.
Please let me know your preferred date.

Attendance fee

113,000 JPY/per 1 person, tax included

You can use credit card, paypal or bank transfer.
Attendance fee doesn't include accommodation fee.


Please apply and finish to pay 10 days before the date you want to have this program. We need to purchase organic vegetables and fruits for you 7-10 days before your arrival. Thank you for your cooperation.

fragrance code

Please not to use any fragrance on site of this program. It includes air refresher, detergent, perfume, hair spray, perspiration deodorant and any other cosmetic items. They might deplete our detoxification system. The Gerson Therapy prohibits these items to patients for protecting their detoxification process from damage.

Prescription & medication

If you are taking any prescription drug and/or medication, please let us know before your application.

Food allergy

If you have any food allergy, please let us know before your application.

Cancellation rule

After you paid attendance fee...,
until 14 days before the event - 100% refund,
13-2 days before the event - 50% refund,
previous day or on the day of the event -  0% refund.

How to apply

Please send email from the form below.
We will reply in next 72 hours to you.

I will apply to 2 days experience for making & eating Gerson Foods
in Minamiboso, Chiba.

If you cannot use this mailing form, please send e-mail to [email protected] with

  • your name
  • email address
  • phone number
  • and what you want.

Thank you very much.



We recommend it to whom wants

✔︎ to know any diet that change whole body from celluler level

✔︎ to be refreshed by vegetables and fruits

✔︎ to consider doing the Gerson Therapy

✔︎ to check the differences before & after eating Gerson foods


Educators have good experiences on the Gerson Therapy for long time.



Gerson Ambassador, journalist
Certified Gerson Home Set-up Trainer
Translator of Charlotte Gerson's books in to Japanese


Translator of Charlotte Gerson's THE GERSON THERAPY


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10 minutes walk from JR Chikura station. We will give the detail information after your application.


We will give the list of accommodations near from our place after your application.


Can I attend to it from far place ?

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Yes. We will give you detail information about access & accommodation after your applicaation.

Do you have the other programs for learning deeper about the Gerson Therapy ?

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Yes. We have the workshop for patients who will start the Gerson Therapy and the online seminar for health conscious people who want to learn how to prevent health issues through Gerson way.

Can I do the Gerson Therapy at home ?

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Yes. After your learning the Gerson Therapy deeper level, you can apply for the online consultation with Gerson Practitioner. Gerson Practitioner makes your personal Gerson Protocol. You can do your personalized Gerson Therapy safely under the Protocol.

I am thinking to go to the Gerson Clinic in Mexico.

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Certified Gerson Clinic in Mexico is Health Institute de Tijuana. If you want to stay there, please see this page of the Gerson Institute.

Can I become the person who teachs the Gerson Therapy to others?

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We have some certification programs. For example, the Gerson Institute has the program for medical professionals. If you need the information, please send email to me or the Gerson Institute.
