for doing your Gerson Protocol without mistakes
Gerson Therapy
in Minamiboso, Chiba
- observation/microscopic blood analysis before the workshop
- hands-on practice/rye & brown rice bread
- lecture/Gerson Therapy overview
- lecture/Gerson foods
- hands-on practice/Hippocrates soup
- hands-on practice/apple sauce
- includes lunch & dinner
- lecture/science of coffee enema & recipe
- lecture/technique of coffee enema
- hands-on practice/carrot & apple juice
- lecture/Gerson supplements & complementary therapy
- lecture/Gerson practitioner & Gerson protocol
- hands-on practice/tomato sauce & dressing
- includes breakfast, lunch and dinner
- lecture/home set-up for Gerson Therapy
- lecture/dental issues
- hands-on practice/green juice
- lecture/healing reactions
- lecture/castor & clay packs
- observation/microscopic blood analysis after the workshop
- includes breakfast, lunch and dinner
for application
In Minamiboso, Chiba, we are available on your demand.
Please let me know your preferred date.
Attendance fee
182,000 JPY/per 1 person, tax included
You can use credit card, paypal or bank transfer.
Attendance fee doesn't include accommodation fee.
Family fee
63,000JPY/per 1 person, tax included
This special fee will be applied for supportive people of the Gerson patient in the Gerson routine everyday at home.
It includes partner, friends and helpers employed by the patient.
This fee includes all meals and text books.
Please apply and finish to pay 10 days before the date you want to have this program. We need to purchase organic vegetables and fruits for you 7-10 days before your arrival. Thank you for your cooperation.
fragrance code
Please not to use any fragrance on site of this program. It includes air refresher, detergent, perfume, hair spray, perspiration deodorant and any other cosmetic items. They might deplete our detoxification system. The Gerson Therapy prohibits these items to patients for protecting their detoxification process from damage.
Prescription & medication
If you are taking any prescription drug and/or medication, please let us know before your application.
Food allergy
If you have any food allergy, please let us know before your application.
Cancellation rule
After you paid attendance fee...,
until 14 days before the event - 100% refund,
13-2 days before the event - 50% refund,
previous day or on the day of the event - 0% refund.
How to apply
Please send email from the form below.
We will reply in next 72 hours to you.
I will apply to Gerson Therapy Workshop 3DAYS in Minamiboso, Chiba.
If you cannot use this mailing form, please send e-mail to [email protected] with
- your name
- email address
- phone number
- and what you want.
Thank you very much.
Educators have good experiences on the Gerson Therapy for long time.
Gerson Ambassador, journalist
Certified Gerson Home Set-up Trainer
Translator of Charlotte Gerson's books in to Japanese
Translator of Charlotte Gerson's THE GERSON THERAPY
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10 minutes walk from JR Chikura station. We will give the detail information after your application.
We will give the list of accommodations near from our place after your application.
You can't keep one disease and heal two others.
When the body heals, it heals everything.
Charlotte Gerson